Welcome to Themis

Where everything is not quite what it seems.

Imagine this: you are a prophet of some standing, and you live on a remote island on a little blue planet lost in the vastness of space. The world you know is rustic and contented, but your people are not the first residents. The mysterious Old Ones left behind curious artefacts and structures, such as handy roads and vast buildings now repurposed as libraries and temples.

You seek truths and are trusted to interpret signs. And why not? The work is rewarding and a good earner for your brotherhood. Then, while consulting the oracle in an airy place of antiquity, you glimpse the impending destruction of your home. Your vision is terrifying.

Should you reveal what you have seen? What if you're wrong? Worse still, what if you're right and mysterious forces converge to play a game with cosmic consequences? Can you, should you, will you choose your doom? Or is it easier to go with the flow, like usual?to do?

Reedsy Discovery